THE LOG HOUSE 101 S. High St. Gahanna, OH 43230
The Log House was built in 1840 by David Shull for his bride. Originally located a few miles outside of Gahanna, it was the property of several prominent townspeople until it fell out of use in the early 1900s. In 1968, developers rediscovered it and moved it to its present location, the historical society settlement. The interior is furnished to represent pioneer living in this area in the mid-1800s. Contact us in the form below to schedule a tour.
THE JOHN CLARK HOUSE 101 S. High St. Gahanna, OH 43230
John Clark, the founding father of Gahanna, donated land for the Mifflin Presbyterian Church, where this house was originally built as a home for the minister. It was moved to the Historical Society in 1973 and displays many artifacts donated by the direct descendants of the Clark family.​ Contact us in the form below to schedule a tour. ​

THE LILY STONE BED & BREAKFAST 106 S. High St. Gahanna, OH 43230
This house was home to Mrs. Lilllie Stone, daughter of a pioneering family in Gahanna. After acquiring the property in the 1980s the historical society now operates the charming renovated Lily Stone B&B. Continue reading...